List of Materials :
– 350 x Arcane Dust
– 122 x Illusion Dust
– 703 x Infinite Dust
– 82 x Soul Dust
– 126 x Strange Dust
– 171 x Vision Dust
– 25 x Lesser Astral Essence
– 2 x Greater Astral Essence
– 47 x Greater Cosmic Essence
– 8 x Greater Eternal Essence
– 2 x Lesser Magic Essence
– 12 x Greater Magic Essence
– 2 x Greater Mystic Essence
– 5 x Lesser Nether Essence
– 20 x Lesser Planar Essence
– 14 x Greater Planar Essence
– 8 x Large Brilliant Shard
– 9 x Large Prismatic Shard
– 48 x Dream Shard
– 1 x Adamantite Rod
– 1 x Arcanite Rod
– 1 x Copper Rod
– 1 x Eternium Rod
– 1 x Fel Iron Rod
– 1 x Golden Rod
– 1 x Silver Rod
– 1 x Titanium Rod
– 1 x Truesilver Rod
Misc Items
– 1 x Black Pearl
– 10 x Crystallized Water
– 110 x Eternal Earth
– 1 x Golden Pearl
– 10 x Imbued Vial
– 1 x Iridescent Pearl
– 10 x Nightmare Vine
– 1 x Primal Might
– 9 x Simple Wood
Optional Mats
See Step 245-285
– 200 x Dream Dust
– 5 x Greater Nether Essence
– 15 x Lesser Eternal Essence
– 20 x Purple Lotus
– 10 x Crystal Vial
– 140 x Dream Dust
Make 1x [Runed Copper Rod].
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You must disenchant any green item you come across or you can do about 48 x [Enchant Bracer: Minor Health] – 48 Strange Dust.
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At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn (Enchanting Journeyman).
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40x [Enchant Bracer: Minor Health] -40 Strange Dust.
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10x [Enchant Bracer: Minor Stamina] -30 Strange Dust.
Also if the Strange Dust is cheap on your realm and the Greater Magic Essence is to expensive on your realm you can do this up to 120.
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1 x [Runed Silver Rod] -1 Silver Rod, 6 Strange Dust, 3 Greater Magic Essence, 1 Runed copper Rod.
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9x [Greater Magic Wand] -9 Simple Wood, 9 Greater Magic Essence.
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You can go to the Stonetalon Mountains if you are on the horde side you will go and find Kulwia -Coords:48.6,61.6. If you are on the Alliance side you must go to Ashenvale and find Dalria -Coords:35.0,52.0. After you find ether of these npcs you will buy these two recipes form them: [Enchant Bracer – Lesser Strength] – [Enchant Cloak: Minor Agility].
25x [Enchant Cloak: Minor Agility] -25 Lesser Astral Essence.
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135 – 220
At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn (Enchanting Expert).
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20x [Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina] -40 Soul Dust.
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1x [Runed Golden Rod] -1 Golden Rod, 1 Iridescent Pearl, 2 Greater Astral Essence, 2 Soul Dust, 1 Runed Silver Rod.
40X [Enchant Bracer – Lesser Strength] -80 Soul Dust.
This one turns yellow at 165, however if 2 Soul Dust is a lot cheaper than 1 Lesser Mystic Essence, keep making these until 185. If it’s not then at 165 switch to:
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20x [Enchant Bracer: Spirit] -20 Lesser Mystic Essence.
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40x [Enchant Bracer: Strength] -40 Vision Dust.
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1x [Runed Truesilver Rod] -1 Truesilver Rod, 1 Black Pearl, 2 Greater Mystic Essence, 2 Vision Dust, 1 Runed Golden Rod.
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220 – 275
At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn (Enchanting Artisan).
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5x [Enchant Cloak: Greater Defense] -15 Vision Dust.
It all depends on your realm but if Lesser Nether Essence is too expensive, make this until 230.
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5x [Enchant Gloves: Agility] -5 Lesser Nether Essence, 5 Vision Dust.
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5x [Enchant Boots – Stamina] -25 Vision Dust.
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5x [Enchant Chest: Superior Health] -30 Vision Dust.
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10x [Enchant Boots – Lesser Accuracy] -40 Vision Dust, 10 Lesser Nether Essence.
Try to hunt for [Formula: Enchant Bracer – Greater Stamina] on the AH. It’s a random world drop, but this recipe is the best to level Enchanting from 245 to 265.
Do not mistaken for boots enchant.
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10x [Lesser Mana Oil] -30 Dream Dust, 20 Purple Lotus, 10 Crystal Vial.
Recipe sold byKania at Silithus.
If you wish you may also make [Enchanted Thorium Bar] this is an alternative if you don’t have Purple Lotus. The recipe will be yellow when you learn it and it turns green at 255, but it is pretty cheap to make. You can also just continue to make the previous recipe up to 265.
5x [Enchant Bracer – Greater Intellect] -15 Lesser Eternal Essence.
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40x [Enchant Shield: Greater Stamina] -200 Dream Dust.
Recipe location – Watch out! This one binds when picked up. Don’t make the mistake of trying to buy it with an alt and mail it. It’s also a limited supply item, this means you have to wait if someone bought it before you.
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1x[Runed Arcanite Rod] -1 Arcanite Rod, 10 Illusion Dust, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 1 Runed Truesilver Rod, 2 Large Brilliant Shard.
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300 – 350
At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn (Enchanting Master).
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1x [Runed Fel Iron Rod] -1 Fel Iron Rod, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 6 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 Runed Arcanite Rod.
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9x [Enchant Bracer: Assault] -54 Arcane Dust.
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10x [Enchant Bracer – Brawn] -60 Arcane Dust.
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12x [Enchant Gloves – Assault] -96 Arcane Dust.
If Arcane Dust is expensive on your realm, or you don’t want to level with a yellow recipe because it’s based on luck how many skill points you gain, then you should make the following recipe:
10x [Enchant Chest – Major Spirit] -20 Greater Planar Essence.
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5x [Enchant Shield – Major Stamina] -75 Arcane Dust
Recipe sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City. While you are here, you should also buy the next two recipe in the guide. Do not leave Outland until you bought them. Just click on the links below and see where they are. Superior Wizard Oil is also sold by Madame Ruby.
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5x [Enchant Shield – Resilience] -5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence
There is an alternative really cheap method, but only Blood Elves can benefit from it. Due to their Racial Ability it allows them to gain ten free skill ups by converting a Large Prismatic Shard into three Small Prismatic Shards and back again. Only the conversion from three Small Prismatic Shards to one Large Prismatic Shard is effected by this. Therefore, you will only have the chance to gain skill ups half of the time (since the other half of the time you’ll be converting back to three Small Prismatic Shards). This can make for a fairly lengthy session in gaining your ten free levels.
What you need:
[Formula: Large Prismatic Shard]
[Formula: Small Prismatic Shard]
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15x [Superior Wizard Oil] -45 Arcane Dust, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Crystal Vial.
Recipe location
This recipe is yellow already when you learn it, so you might need to make 14-16.
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1x [Runed Adamantite Rod] -1 Adamantite Rod. 8 Greater Planar Essence, 8 Large Prismatic Shard, 1 Primal Might, 1 Runed Fel Iron Rod.
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351 – 426
At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn (Enchanting Grand Master).
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9x [Enchant Cloak – Speed] -54 Infinite Dust.
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18x [Enchant Bracers – Striking] -108 Infinite Dust.
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1 x [Runed Eternium Rod] – 1 Eternium Rod, 6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Arcane Dust, 1 Runed Adamantite Rod.
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6x [Enchant Bracers – Striking] -36 Infinite Dust
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5x [Enchant Bracers – Exceptional Intellect] -50 Infinite Dust.
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10x [Enchant Boots – Icewalker] -80 Infinite Dust, 10 Crystallized Water.
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15x [Enchant Cloak – Superior Agility] -135 Infinite Dust.
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5x [Enchant Gloves – Expertise] -60 Infinite Dust
If Dream Shard is cheap on your realm, a great alternative would be to make [Enchant Chest – Exceptional Resilience] up to 435. The recipe is sold by Vanessa Sellers, she can be found in Dalaran, it costs 4 Dream Shard.
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5x [Enchant Boots – Greater Spirit] -50 Infinite Dust, 5 Greater Cosmic Essence.
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5x [Enchant Chest – Greater Mana Restoration] -20 Infinite Dust, 20 Greater Cosmis Essence.
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1x [Runed Titanium Rod] -1 Titanium Rod, 12 Infinite Dust, 4 Greater Cosmic Essence,2 Dream Shard, 1 Runed Eternium Rod.
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At this point you will go to your nearest city if you are not there already to learn(Enchanting Grand Master).
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14x [Enchant Chest – Super Health] – 280 Infinite Dust, 56 Greater Cosmic Essence.
You can also do [Enchant Weapon – Icebreaker] just to mix up the number of enchants you make, so it will be easier to sell them.
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15x [Enchant Boots – Greater Assault] – 60 Greater Cosmic Essence, 60 Dream Shard.
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