Travel / Leveling - Guide

Warning : Some maps are from wow classic.

In these maps some Wotlk content will not be present.


The most common mean of transportation from one point to another will be a flight path. One is discovered by traveling to the area and speaking to a flight master in the said area. Once a flight path is unlocked, you can use it in the upcoming adventures.

General Riding Skill

There are five general tiers of riding which can be learned from trainers as a character increases in level. These become available for characters to train once they meet the particular level requirements. The speed of a character's mounts generally increases with each tier of riding skill, while some tiers of riding grant the ability to ride flying mounts but both will cost you a good amount of gold, which you might want to prepare in advance. The general riding skills are :

Rank Requires Trainer Map Location
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Randal Hunter Elwynn Forest
Eastvale Logging Camp
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Jartsam Teldrassil
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Ultham Ironhorn Dun Morogh
Amberstill Ranch
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Binjy Featherwhistle Dun Morogh
Steelgrill's Depot
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Aalun Azuremyst Isle
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Kar Stormsinger Mulgore
Bloodhoof Village
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Xar'Ti Durotar
Sen'jin Village
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Kildar Orgrimmar
Valley of Honor
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Perascamin Eversong Woods
Thuron's Livery
Level 20 - [3g, 80s]
Level 40 - [47g, 50s]
Velma Warnam Tirisfal Glades
Level 60 - [237g, 50s]
Level 70 - [4750g]
Hargen Bronzewing Hellfire Peninsula
Honor Hold
Level 60 - [237g, 50s]
Level 70 - [4750g]
Ilsa Blusterbrew Shadowmoon Valley
Wildhammer Stronghold
Level 60 - [237g, 50s]
Level 70 - [4750g]
Wind Rider Jahubo Hellfire Peninsula
Level 60 - [237g, 50s]
Level 70 - [4750g]
Olrokk Shadowmoon Valley
Shadowmoon Village
Cold Weather Flying Level 77 - [1000g] Maigra Keenfeather Borean Tundra
Valiance Keep
Cold Weather Flying Level 77 - [1000g] Wind Rider Sabamba Borean Tundra
Warsong Hold
Cold Weather Flying Level 77 - [1000g] Hira Snowdawn Dalaran
Krasus' Landing
Cold Weather Flying Level 77 - [1000g] Pilot Vic Sholazar Basin
River's Heart
Cold Weather Flying Level 77 - [1000g] Roxi Ramrocket The Storm Peaks

The cost is for skills only mounts cost extra.

Class-Specific Riding Skills

At level 40, paladins and warlocks can learn [Summon Charger] and [Dreadsteed] from their class trainers after learning the Journeyman riding skill from the riding trainer. There is no need to purchase a new mount.

Death knights receive their epic ground mount, the [Acherus Deathcharger], after the completion of the quests Grand Theft Palomino and Into the Realm of Shadows at level 55.

Druids can learn [Flight Form] from any flight trainer at level 58.

Flight Paths

Alliance - Flight Points in Kalimdor - wow classic

Zone Area Flight Master
Ashenvale Astranaar Daelyshia
Azshara Talrendis Point Jarrodenus
Darkshore Auberdine Caylais Moonfeather
Desolace Nijel's Point Baritanas Skyriver
Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Baldruc
Felwood Talonbranch Glade Mishellena
Feralas Feathermoon Stronghold Fyldren Moonfeather
Feralas Thalanaar Thyssiana
Moonglade South of Lake Sindrayl
Silithus Cenarion Hold Cloud Skydancer
Stonetalon Mountains Stonetalon Peak Teloren
Tanaris Gadgetzan Bera Stonehammer
Teldrassil Rut'theran Village Vesprystus
The Barrens Ratchet Bragok
Un'goro Crater Marshal's Refuge Gryfe
Winterspring Everlook Maethrya

Alliance - Flight Points in Eastern Kingdoms - wow classic

Zone Area Flight Master
Arathi Highlands Refuge Point Cedrik Prose
Blasted Lands Nethergarde Keep Alexandra Constantine
Burning Steppes Morgan's Vigil Borgus Stoutarm
Dun Morogh Ironforge Gryth Thurden
Duskwood Darkshire Felicia Maline
Eastern Plaguelands Light's Hope Chapel Khaelyn Steelwing
Elwynn Forest Stormwind City Dungar Longdrink
Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore Darla Harris
Hinterlands Aerie Peak Guthrum Thunderfist
Loch Modan Thelsamar Thorgrum Borrelson
Redridge Mountains Lakeshire Ariena Stormfeather
Searing Gorge Thorium Point Lanie Reed
Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay Gyll
Western Plaguelands Chillwind Camp Bibilfaz Featherwhistle
Westfall Sentinel Hill Thor
Wetlands Menethil Harbor Shellei Brondir

Horde - Flight Points in Kalimdor - wow classic

Zone Area Flight Master
Ashenvale Splintertree Post Vhulgra
Ashenvale Zoram'gar Andruk
Azshara Valormok Kroum
Desolace Shadowprey Village Thalon
Durotar Orgrimmar Doras
Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village Shardi
Felwood Bloodvenom Post Brakkar
Feralas Camp Mojache Shyn
Moonglade SW of Lake Faustron
Mulgore Thunder Bluff Tal
Silithus Cenarion Hold Runk Windtamer
Stonetalon Mountains Sun Rock Retreat Tharm
Tanaris Gadgetzan Bulkrek Ragefist
The Barrens The Crossroads Devrak
The Barrens Camp Taurajo Omusa Thunderhorn
The Barrens Ratchet Bragok
Thousand Needles Freewind Post Nyse
Un'goro Crater Marshal's Refuge Gryfe
Winterspring Everlook Yugrek

Horde - Flight Points in Eastern Kingdoms - wow classic

Zone Area Flight Master
Arathi Highlands Hammerfall Urda
Badlands Kargath Gorrik
Burning Steppes Flame Crest Vahgruk
Eastern Plaguelands Light's Hope Chapel Georgia
Hillsbrad Foothills Tarren Mill Zarise
Hinterlands Revantusk Village Gorkas
Searing Gorge Thorium Point Grisha
Silverpine Forest The Sepulcher Karos Razok
Stranglethorn Vale Grom'gol Base Camp Thysta
Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay Gringer
Swamp of Sorrows Stonard Breyk
Tirisfal Glades Undercity Michael Garrett

Alliance - Flight Points in Outland

Horde - Flight Points in Outland

Alliance - Flight Points in Northrend

Horde - Flight Points in Northrend

Boat, Zeppelin, and Tram

There are multiple means of transportation in Azeroth, that are focused on long journeys, connecting far away destinations and that can be used for free. Both factions can travel on boats, the Horde make use of a flying Zeppelin between Undercity and Orgrimmar, and the Alliance uses the Deeprun Tram to travel between Stormwind and Ironforge.


Boat Routes

Alliance - wow classic

wow cataclysm both factions

There is only one tram route in Azeroth – the Deeprun Tram that connects Ironforge and Stormwind, two Alliance capitals.

Mostly, boats are maintained by the Alliance, but there is also a neutral boat that connects Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms via two of the Steamwheedle Cartel neutral towns.

  • Kalimdor – Eastern Kingdoms (A – Alliance, N – neutral)
  • The Maiden’s Fancy (N): Ratchet, The Barrens – Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
  • The Lady Mehley (A): Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh – Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
  • The Bravery (A): Auberdine, Darkshore – Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
  • Kalimdor Boats
  • The Moonspray (A): Rut’theran Village, Teldrassil – Auberdine, Darkshore
  • Feathermoon Ferry (A): The Forgotten Coast, Feralas – Sardor Isle, Feralas

Horde - wow classic

wow cataclysm both factions

Zeppelins are maintained by the Horde.

  • Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms
  • The Thundercaller: Orgrimmar, Durotar – Undercity, Tirisfal Glades
  • The Iron Eagle: Orgrimmar, Durotar – Grom’gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale
  • Eastern Kingdoms Zeppelin
  • The Purple Princess: Undercity, Tirisfal Glades – Grom’gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale


Legend Regions

Kalimdor Traveling - wow classic

Eastern Kingdoms Traveling - wow classic

Azeroth Leveling - wow classic

Outland Traveling

Outland Leveling

Northrend Traveling

Northrend Leveling